Test Specifications: What and Who

If you think that answering an examination is easy, wait 'til you see the processes involved in coming up with a test paper!

Well before you even sit for an examination, there are people who have put a lot of thought on the exam earlier than you. These are the people of the examination boards (in our local education context, the Malaysia Examination Syndicate or "Lembaga Peperiksaan"). These people have to firstly come up with TEST SPECIFICATIONS. What is that?! Well, here's a simplified explanation.


  • An "official blueprint" about a test: "what the test tests and how it tests it".
  • A "blueprint" for test and item writers.
Test specifications vs. Syllabus:

After the specifications are done, they will be given to users (i.e. test developers/item writers) for further actions. These users will use test specifications as their guideline in producing the test, evaluating the test and so on and so forth (depending on the users). Below are the users and why they need test specifications. 
Why do they need it?

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