Steps in Constructing Table of Specification

Steps in Constructing Table of Specification.

             TOS (Table of Specification) is a practical word given to the plan for scripting items for a test. A table of specification should imitate what has been imparted in the instructional order. In other terms, the testing mode is a reflection of the instructional mode. The TOS should inculcate and reflect content and process, as the instructional mode of TOS has two basic dimensions- Content matter and  Intellectual process.Bloom’s Taxonomy categories can be used to express the process. While developing TOS we advance with a framework which does not only reflect what has been imparted to the students, but also what intellectual level students possess.
  •  Select a topic

What to be taught? Must be sorted at first to be specific and definite to proceed

  • Identify the sub-topics to be tested

What are the sub heads you will be covering in that topic to unfold the selected

  • Identify the levels of the taxonomy that are most  appropriate to assess the content

Based on the chosen topic and sub topics, the level or tier of taxonomy must be identified on which teacher or trainer has to work
  • Review the types of skills that can be tested  under each level

Keeping in view the requirements of the topic teacher must select the level of taxonomy under whose umbrella he/she is going to test the students
  • Consider the number of items that will be used on  the entire test and the time available

Enlist the total number of test items and their required time to fill them
  •       Based on the time spent on/importance of each sub-topic, decide on the number of items that will be used for each sub-topic.

Based on the requirement of time for each sub topic, finalize the number of items to be used for judging student
  •         Distribute the questions across the cognitive  levels

Divide the items on the basis of different level of cognitions

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