Advantages and Disadvantages of Test Specifications


1 ) Test constructors able to have a clear picture about who the test is aimed at, what its purpose is, what content is to be covered, what methods are to be used, how many papers or sections there are, how long the test takes, and so on. 

2) By having test specification, test users will know about the description of a test's content.

3)  Test specification also will be able to give some description of a test to help admissions officers decide whether the test is valid for the particular decisions to be taken: for university admissions purposes, a test that does not measure academic- related language skills is likely to be less valid than one that does.


1)  Test specifications just limited to certain people. Usually, test takers like students do not have test specifications. So, they cannot make enough preparation for their test since they do not know  in what content they will be tested. 

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